
Purport 宗旨



Stick to the principle of promoting China's culture industry decided by the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th Party's Congress, maintain the spirit of 3Cs, push steadily research exchange and filmmaking practice on campus, and test a model of cultivating talents of application type.


Aim 目的



Focus on university students, lead the development of micro-films academically, guide micro-filmmaking among students, build up actively an exchange and interactive platform for micro-films home and abroad.

  • 国际大学生微电影盛典

    pirit of 3Cs 3C精神



    Confidence: The arrival of new media means the progress of technology. The arising of micro-film, micro-blog, WeChat and micro culture presents people's confidence and delicacy. The attitude of confidence advocated by the Festival gives strength and power to its partakers.
    Creativity: The best advantage in university students is their creative ideas that are not confined. The Festival encourages students to make micro-films, digs out their creative thinking and capability, cultivates their professinal quality via various forms, seeks new & vigorous directors with humble start, makes channels for them to stand out and, provides new blood and power for film industry.
    Communication: Growing in communication, progesssing in sharing and sparkling while different ideas clide. The Festival builds a platform for exchange and exhibition for micro-filmmaking by students, promotes interactivities between teachers, students and teaching-learning, focuses on internationalization and recommends briliant Chinese films to the world.


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